A Powerful and Practical System

Sifu Joseph Musse founded the Wing Chun Kali System in 1987.  Sifu Musse studied directly with one of Yip Man’s Disciples – Sigung Duncan Leung in the 1970s who is a 1st generation student of Grand Master Yip Man.

Skills for life

Proper Cultivation of Skills


Having the right skills and tactics builds confidence and can help you deal with bigger, stronger and faster opponents.


Why Wing Chun Kali System?

The ability to protect your self and your loved ones is a valuable skill. If you cannot protect yourself or family then you could expect to fall prey to people who would do your harm. The Wing Chun Kali System was designed with this in mind.

The system is comprised two martial arts. Wing Chun Kung Fu which focuses more on empty hand fighting, proper stances, foot work, balance to strive effortlessly. Chi Sau to learn to control energy, body, mind and techniques that flow from the core of the very system. Anything else is considered mediocre. Filipino Kali focuses more on weapon based fighting applications.

The secret of the system is the hours your put in training. The more you put in, the more your receive. We cry in the Kwoon (school) to laugh on the battlefield. We work and train to maintain our gift that was taught to us. We become the root to the tree “no roots – no tree”. So, a branch after time falls, but a root embraces, accepts and becomes Form – Function – Flow.

WCKS is about brotherhood, integrity and family.

Two Martial Arts In Harmony

Wing Chun Kung Fu and Filipino Kali are taught individually, each system keeping its purity and its applications. These Arts complement each other extremely well. Kali covers a deep understanding of bladed weapons. It has been tried and tested through the Spanish-American War, World War II, and many battles fought between neighboring tribes from other islands.

Wing Chun is a combat martial art that covers other bases such as structure, angles of attack, timing and principles. Wing Chun consists of 3 major forms. 1.Sil Lam Tao – Little ideas 2. Chum Ki- Seeking Bridge 3. Biu Jie- Thrusting Fingers.

Then there is Bart Cham Do-Butterfly Knives, Luk Dim Boon Quan-Long Pole Fighting and the Mook Jong -Wooden Man Dummy. As you find yourself excelling in the art you will find a different you.
Together these two martial arts bring a powerful and practical system of self-defense that is called the Wing Chun Kali System.

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