
Sifu Victor Velez and Sifu Joseph Musse

Sifu Joseph Musse founded the Wing Chun Kali System in 1987. Sifu Musse studied directly with one of Yip Man’s Disciples – Sigung Duncan Leung in the 1970s who is a 1st generation student of Grand Master Yip Man.

A man of an open mind and humble attitude, Sifu Musse has trained many people, but officially certifies few with the rank and responsibility of Instructor. Guro/Sifu Victor M Velez joins this lineage efficiently and expertly training beginner, intermediate and advanced students.

Victor M Velez had first experience with the martial arts occurred when he was 12 when he trained in Tae Kwon Do for three years, attaining his brown belt.

Guro/Sifu Velez through the Boys Club spent the rest of his teenage years, as well as his early adulthood boxing; to which he competed in several golden glove fights. He would have remained a boxer if not for his life changing experience with Kali.

Seeing common boxing mechanics and wanting a new challenge, he embraced Filipino Kali fully. He excelled in the art and reached a milestone when he competed in various tournaments sponsored by the World Escrima Kali Arnis Federation. Every tournament entered, he won medals in the top three.

Testing the art as true Guro/Sifu Velez pursued it further by teaching. Working hard and applying himself, he attained full instructor status when he received his instructorship certificate in Wing Chun Kali System from Sifu Joseph Musse.

Now Guro/Sifu Velez total experience including his exposure to other Filipino fighting styles, gives students an eye opening perspective to Filipino martial culture, to which a student will learn to appreciate an art that becomes the user as they evolve in the art.

Guro/Sifu Velez desire as an instructor is to thoroughly teach the art in a professional manner, respecting the individual. He believes that any student can learn the art as long as they demonstrate trust to the instructor, dedication to the art, and mutual respect to their peers.

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